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Dec. 24, 2024

#423 The Future of Entrepreneurship: AI, Simplicity, and Inspiration with Bart Jenezon

#423 The Future of Entrepreneurship: AI, Simplicity, and Inspiration with Bart Jenezon

In this exciting episode of The CTO Show with Mehmet, we welcome back Bart Jenezon, Chief Inspirational Officer and co-founder of CASTOMAI. Bart shares his journey of creating CASTOMAI, a cutting-edge platform designed to simplify entrepreneurship through AI-powered tools. We dive into the philosophy behind the Inspiration Canvas, the challenges entrepreneurs face, and how AI is reshaping the startup ecosystem. Whether you’re a seasoned founder or a first-time entrepreneur, this episode is packed with insights to inspire and empower your journey.


What You’ll Learn

• How to leverage AI tools to streamline workflows and enhance productivity.

• The importance of purpose and storytelling in building a successful startup.

• Practical ways to pitch your idea effectively to investors and mentors.

• How CASTOMAI is enabling entrepreneurs to scale faster with customized tools and solutions.


About the Guest


Bart Jenezon is a visionary entrepreneur passionate about helping startups and small businesses achieve success. As the creator of the Inspiration Canvas and co-founder of CASTOMAI, Bart has been transforming how entrepreneurs build, plan, and scale their ventures. His unique approach combines simplicity, purpose, and cutting-edge technology to create tools that help entrepreneurs succeed.






Episode Highlights

• [00:02:00] Bart introduces CASTOMAI and its mission.

• [00:04:00] The journey from Inspiration Canvas to a fully AI-powered platform.

• [00:07:00] Bart’s perspective shift on AI and its benefits for entrepreneurs.

• [00:11:00] The power of purpose-driven entrepreneurship.

• [00:15:00] CASTOMAI’s tools for startup success, from business planning to pitching.

• [00:22:00] Global programs empowering entrepreneurs, including female founders in Nigeria.





Mehmet: Hello and welcome back to a new episode of the CTO Show with Mehmet. Today I'm very pleased welcoming back again for the second time Bart Jenezon, Chief Inspirational Officer, but he just got today a new title and I will keep it to him [00:01:00] to share that with us. Bart, it's very nice to see you again on the podcast.


Mehmet: We did one last year, we did also a live streaming with you last year which was fantastic, audience liked it, but for the people who are Listening or maybe seeing you the first time again, introduce yourself. Tell us a little bit about you and then we're going to take it from there.


Bart: Wonderful. Wonderful.


Bart: Thank you so much for having me. I'm very proud of being here and it's really great to, uh, yeah, to, to share my story and to be invited by you. So it's been a while and last time we were fully busy with all the preparations, but today we are here to announce that, uh, we are officially launched our new venture it's called CASTOMAI.


Bart: And CASTOMAI is our new company. It's supported by inspiring two people from one of our programs, uh, really got with the idea to start with this new venture and together with another partner and an investor, uh, we are now officially live. And, uh, so, uh, [00:02:00] that's the news of today, uh, Mehmet and, uh, yeah, I'm responsible for all the communication and, uh, now very happy to share that story with you.


Mehmet: Yeah, absolutely. So, but for the people who remember from last time, again, I'm doing a lot of reminders today. So all what you do is about inspiring people and getting them to start right and you guide entrepreneurs


Bart: Yeah, definitely. Yeah


Mehmet: Yeah, i'm a little bit, you know kind because you said there is a story I became curious to know for custom I what is the story behind it?


Mehmet: Like what was? the main I would say moment that You know the founders said yeah, we need to build this so if you can share that with us


Bart: Yes, of course. And yeah, it's, it's really in line of, of our inspiring activities and with inspiring, we provide simplicity with the inspiration canvas to help entrepreneurs to sketch out their business plan, make, [00:03:00] make life easier, but, uh, yeah, with customer now we have technology.


Bart: So, uh, we have a software solution where entrepreneurs can simplify their whole workflow. So all the processes that needs, uh, a lot of time and sometimes could be, uh, enormous, uh, annoying. Now, uh, we will, we will bring it all back to, to simple using our, our software. And we have a free trial and, uh, people can take advantage from it and it will help you to speed up the whole process of business development.


Bart: So that's, that's what we are working on. And. It was one of our participants. Uh, I met him in Amsterdam. He was also joining an accelerator program. Later on, he joined us with the pre accelerator program of Inspiring Company. And, and yeah, there was another guy and they told us, Bart, we can help you, uh, that it's not you that you need to, to, to tell the story each time, but we can simplify that with AI.


Bart: And it was, I think, a year ago. And [00:04:00] in that time, I remember I was not so excited by AI because I strongly believe in the human aspect of doing business, but then those guys said to me, okay, but we're just going to help you. There's nothing to do with any financial issues, or we just, we love inspiring. And we would love to help you to, to make that, uh, to enrich that value proposition.


Bart: So in the beginning, they just created an application to sketch out your inspiration canvas. My promise till that day was always, I create your inspiration campus in one hour and your business plan in a day. But I can say now I was sit down with my mom a couple of weeks ago on the couch. I give her a demo and it was approximately a couple of minutes that I was able to, to, to really work out the whole business plan.


Bart: So that was the original seed, the beginning of CASTOMAI. But, uh, yeah, now we've been working on it for, uh, let's say, uh, nine months and in nine months, you know, it can happen a lot and, uh, we created now 14 tools, uh, all kinds [00:05:00] of tools for content creation, for creating your landing pages, advertising campaigns, uh, even your business plan.


Bart: And even in a split second, you get your financials. So if you would like to sketch out your budget for next year, you just answer some questions, you push the button and then it's all there. And that's incredible. So people can really spend their time, do whatever they need to do. And that's not losing their time sitting and working on all kinds of computer work.


Mehmet: Oh my God, like this is really exciting part. The reason I'm, uh, saying this, it's not like just a compliment because you know, we met before we became kind of friends with you because you know, till now when I meet entrepreneurs, this is the number one challenge they have. So when we discussed last year, you know, the inspiring canvas, which is like kind of a guide, how they can put their business plan, how they can find, you know, their purpose and build, you know, the business around it.


Mehmet: to inspire. Now, you took this [00:06:00] further to, you know, and I'm checking the website as, as we speak, a lot of things that they can do this, but I gonna first, before I go deep dive in this, you just said you were not excited by AI. Um, and of course, we still need the human touch. But if you can tell me, Bart, what is the most thing that re excited you again or let you change your mind?


Mehmet: Is it like because it saves the time? Is it because you know, it can be creative with you. So what was exactly what made you think again about the A. I


Bart: Yeah, there are two things here that makes sense. The first one is, I think the English people always say the proven planning is in the eating. And, uh, so, uh, I think, uh, people needs to, to start learning.


Bart: How can AI help them with their business or even with their life? And so, uh, for myself, I'm using AI for cooking. So, uh, my wife always do the cooking, but, uh, now [00:07:00] she said, Oh, Bart, now it's time, uh, after all those years that, uh, now and then during the week that you do some cooking as well. So, uh, that was maybe the beginning of my learning journey.


Bart: Because I'm meeting up with hundreds of people sharing their business plans and everyone saying, yes, this is the new abacadabra. This is the magical formula that sometimes you are not always convinced anymore about those ideas and those plans. So in the beginning where they are, I was thinking, oh yeah, of course it will take over a lot of people's work, but at first let's see if that's actually going to happen.


Bart: And then. Uh, maybe believe so, although I'm innovative person and I always see opportunities, I was a little bit like I lost a lot of money with the dot com crash, uh, back to 2000. So, uh, I was excited about the Internet and, uh, but, uh, somehow I missed, uh, missed the, the, the upswing. And, uh, so in this case, I said, okay, let's, let's, let's stay normal and let's, let's do our [00:08:00] homework and let's do our job and let's deliver the value.


Bart: So, but then, like I said, the two guys, um, uh, yeah, showed me how it really helps them and, uh, and instead of working for hours in split seconds, you have the output you are looking for. And that, that kind of intelligence is, is, is not, you cannot manage that or you cannot deal that for yourself. So I'm. If you met me, I think 10 years ago, I think I was in the understanding that I was a very intelligent guy, but I'm very grateful that I got to the really great insight that now I say, nah, I'm not so intelligent guy, maybe average, or maybe a little bit above or below.


Bart: Uh, and, uh, I like to somehow be humble and, uh, Put myself a little bit as a servant instead of, uh, uh, saying that, that I know everything because I'm learning a lot from people who do know more than, than I do know, and I'm meeting up. I would like to meet with people who are much more intelligent than I am.


Bart: But [00:09:00] now we have AI and we have tooling that will simplify and speed up everything you can imagine. If you would like to just checking out if this or that will help you or, or ask for a rewrite or different tone of voice, uh, or even, uh, uh, do some calculations with a single prompt, you can get the output you are looking for.


Bart: And that's amazing. I think a lot of people everywhere around the world can. Benefit from that. And yeah, we are just anticipating with customer on that, that we help those people to, yeah, let's say, pretty fine. Some prompts make some, uh, more complicated prompts with one push on the button that people can simplify complete workflows or or analyzes reporting or content creation or whatever they are looking for.


Bart: We're still working on all kinds of new solutions. so much.


Mehmet: That's amazing Bart. So if you, if I, you know, I, you know me, like I like to just be straight to the point [00:10:00] you have developed and you know, you spent a lot of time on the inspirational canvas, right? So just for, you know, the audience to understand the, I would say the Holy grail of the inspirational canvas.


Mehmet: So remind us a little bit, you know, what's the concept behind the, inspirational canvas.


Bart: Yeah. The inspiration canvas though, it's, it's, it's a little bit the same kind of, uh, development process that for myself, I, I was always lost in, in, in new theories in models and, uh, reading all the books and somehow it didn't help me.


Bart: Uh, to execute it, the dream I had in the way it has to be delivered. So sometimes the theory was even more complex than the actual, uh, uh, topic. So I'd start working with a couple of people and one of them is, uh, is also part of my board and we just simplified the whole workflow for writing a business plan.


Bart: [00:11:00] It's, it doesn't matter if it's, it's, it's called a business plan. It's more like, okay, let's, uh, sit down first and let's put things on paper and see if everything is connected to each other, if everything is aligned. And then just not by helping them in the beginning, but more like listening. You can, you can really easily see if people have a lack of resources and what kind of resources.


Bart: And most of the time I see the three common mistakes for, for a lot of entrepreneurs is that they don't have a great story. Or they're not working on a kind of, uh, let's say, uh, real, uh, issue or problem that needs to be solved. Second, that they rear, that they are really lacking customers, especially paying customers.


Bart: And, uh, and, and I think paying customers is the most important resource for, for establishing your company and building it to a fruitful, profitable venture. And number three is that, uh, somehow that, uh, they are not able to seize the opportunity. So they have not a scalability or multiplier element within their [00:12:00] organization.


Bart: So we created the inspiration campus as a simple workflow upwards your business plan. So that's the whole idea. And that simplifies the whole work stream. Uh, also when you are meeting up with mentors or investors, just by simple sharing the same structure, the inspiration canvases, a one pager, you can make up your mind as an investor.


Bart: You can see, okay, this guy's really working on something really interesting or. Or in a split second, you say, okay, I don't have a clue. I don't know. Uh, I don't have time anymore. I'm just moving forward. So we see a lot of people who are talking to us. Uh, already we did, did some programs all around Europe.


Bart: Now we have some traction in the U S even running a program in Nigeria with 130 female founders. And, uh, David Remington is our board member now from, from the U S. He's a well known speaker investor. And he said, yeah, he don't want to lose time to sit down with entrepreneurs who are not ready. And so you would like to sit down with people who are really ready to scale.


Bart: So he would like to, to, [00:13:00] to skip the whole process at the beginning. And that's, I think what inspiring is, is, is doing supporting on the early stage and pre early, uh, pre seed stage and, and AI with CASTOMAI. Is helping those people to speed up and to continue or keep up the good work. But I always say, yeah, it took me, I'm 51 years old.


Bart: And the last 10 years it's evolving into the right direction, but, uh, Oh no. If you sit down with my wife, she's thinking, well, this is a long journey, but, uh, yeah, that's the entrepreneurial journey. And that's, I think. Great to pay that forward to people who are really in the need of any kinds of support or inspiration or whatever they are looking for.


Mehmet: Yeah, great. Thanks. Needs time. Indeed, Bart. 100%. And it's never too late. It's never too late. You just reminded me of There's a famous video that from time to time appears in my feed, um, when Steve Jobs says like, [00:14:00] you know, some people comes to me, they said they have, we have ideas and we need to have a startup and he asked them, why you want to do this?


Mehmet: And they said, just to have money. And that, yeah, okay. I've never seen someone who have succeeded just like this. You need to have a purpose. You need to be solving real problems and be, I would say, into it, right? So you need to live it. And the


Bart: entrepreneurial way,


Mehmet: yeah, this entrepreneurial way. Now, if I want to, because you mentioned something very interesting now, Bart.


Mehmet: So especially these guys, these folks, the entrepreneurs in the pre seed seed phase, I would say, especially first time founders. So they need this tool because. Um, they need the guidance. And I think when I was checking the website, like, Oh my God, like this is everything they might need at least to be able to come up with the ideas, make sure that the, they can have a profitable, profitable business out of it now with the tool, help [00:15:00] them in preparing to pitch in front of investors also as well.


Bart: Yeah, definitely. And that's the last couple of months. I, I was talking to a lot of, uh, let's say investment firms, uh, communities who are, uh, supporting, uh, people in that, uh, area and, uh, we have the tools, uh, available so, uh, we can guide them. And we even, uh, offer, uh, uh, introduction programs where people just can jump in and learn.


Bart: And sometimes I'm looking for a sponsor on the other side, but, uh, that's, that's an example, uh, the program I mentioned in Nigeria, we, uh, we are working together with a large female founders network with 129 female founders, and there is a sponsor who's responsible for, for the budget and, uh, the entrepreneurs can join for free if they are committed in the right way.


Bart: And during the program, they got weekly support to start, build and grow their business. And some businesses are like innovations [00:16:00] or, or technical background, but there are also businesses just with, with, uh, yeah. Some girls who are working on the bakery, uh, and other products. Yeah. And that's, uh, the spirit is, is, is, is exactly the same.


Bart: And that's what, what somehow that's what I call inspiring as a threat of our work that ties us together. Okay. And, uh, so yeah, it's, it's a mix of, of, of both. And, uh, the tooling is there for them so they can, they can work on their own time and they don't need to pay us for any further time or any other, uh, guidance or license or whatever, no, it's, if, if they would like to work with the tools, they go and, and, and take advantage of the tools.


Bart: If they are looking for one to one support or more, uh, group sessions, yeah, then they join that program. So, and that's, I think also, uh, that's part of my life and that's, that's in line of, of your, your, uh, comment about purpose, uh, is that, yeah, basically I would like to have more impact. And I'm learning for myself to, yeah, [00:17:00] adapt my change, my point of view, my perspective, and, and to, to, to, yeah, I would say to, to stay aligned with the people who are actually, uh, in the need of that kind of support.


Bart: And I was always surrounded with people who are there for me. And in the beginning when I was young, I was maybe a little bit more money minded, but, uh, yeah, that's the economic system. And, uh, and now I see, yeah, if you really would like to make impact, it's all about the value. And so that's the most important thing.


Bart: We deliver the value with 100%. Uh, uh, yeah. Clarity about that. And, uh, we always, uh, uh, yeah, listen to our, uh, followers, listen to our users, listen to our participants, what they are looking for. And yeah, immediately after I see or hear. That there's something missing or, or they would like to see a tweak or this or that, then yeah, I will take that into a development because yeah, I would like to help them to set their next step in business [00:18:00] development.


Mehmet: That's fantastic. You know, and meanwhile, you know, you, you were, uh, Um Explaining this again. I checked the website. It's so intuitive. It's so easy to use uh, and I think everything starts with the with the idea and then having the purpose of the idea which is Really really fantastic now I know maybe this is I I don't like to go very much deep Technical I would say when I ask the questions, but like just out of curiosity, you know, you might not Yeah Have all the answers for me, but is it like a custom model that the team have built so it can It can come out of this content like, you know, if just out out of curiosity


Bart: Well said, uh, Mame.


Bart: Yeah. And, uh, yeah, and that's also within our brand name. Uh, there is casting, there is customizing. There is, uh, uh, [00:19:00] uh, the AI component, uh, the, my AI component and, and it's exactly, uh, doing what, what what you just said and shared with us. Uh, we offer a software solution that's, uh, uh, could be customized on your needs.


Bart: On the one hand, we are building a complete set of suites of all kinds of entrepreneurial tools that will help you from A to Z, uh, to build your company the way you want, but at the same time, we are also listening to our users and to our clients, uh, to come up with the, yeah, the, uh, the solutions that they are looking for.


Bart: And so, yeah, we have now. 10 to 14 tools available, but we have already a long list of 40 to 60. And somehow we have, if, if, if we are meeting up next year, let's say at the same time, same place. I probably think that we will have 80 to 100 tools available. And with just one simple click, you can have complete reportings.


Bart: You can complete have sales plan, [00:20:00] product development plan, or whatever you are looking for. And we will offer it to you. We are currently working on that already and, uh, yeah, and it's really amazing. And, and the software is, is, is, yeah. Helping the people who are already interested in AI, uh, but would like to have a little help or a little, uh, more, yeah, simple way of, of using, uh, let's say chat GPT and, uh, yeah, and we, and we can help them to speed up the whole process.


Bart: So the entrepreneurs and the people outside can really, uh, uh, spend their time on, on what is necessary to be done.


Mehmet: That's fantastic. Now, of course, I know that usually the target audience for you are the, um, entrepreneurs themselves, but and you mentioned something like you can work with maybe incubators, accelerators also as well.


Mehmet: I believe right to work.


Bart: Yeah, we have a partner program. And so we have now a couple of programs up running one in the Netherlands. One is upcoming in the U. S. And we have the African [00:21:00] program. But we will think that if I'm just sharing my thoughts about next year, next to the 100 tools, I think we will, uh, yeah, enroll our program in, let's say, 10 areas.


Bart: So in 10 areas, there will be a program up running. We have some people who are already, uh, shared their interest with us. And, uh, yeah. And together with, with those communities, we can speed up the whole process because they have clarity about, let's say, how they would like to communicate with mentors or with investors.


Bart: And those people are also for us, very important to, uh, uh, To, to validate what we are doing, but also to get access to local markets. So that's, that's on the, on the one hand. Uh, but we also, my background is from my training agency and inspiration agency. And yeah, we do a lot of programs, uh, real life. Uh, to inspire the entrepreneurial way of living [00:22:00] to help people to get things going or to get started.


Bart: And this is actually bringing it all together. So I'm also looking for people who would like to somehow be our international partner to enroll programs in whatever country that's possible.


Mehmet: That's fantastic. Now, because we're talking about entrepreneurs, but, uh, and you train them and you inspire them. So since the last time we talk, like it's been like almost one year now.


Mehmet: So every guest I had on the podcast after we had hours and our session, So we're telling me, you know, we're gonna see more entrepreneurs, right? So we're gonna see more people. They want to start something. Um, What have you noticed in the past year? Like, uh, are you seeing like more people coming up with cool things cool projects?


Mehmet: Um, what are you seeing in the in in your circle and in your network and in the market [00:23:00] in general?


Bart: Yeah, there is, there is just an, uh, also a kind of gut feeling. And is that, that's also, uh, it's pretty close to my own development is, uh, yeah. I think they call it, uh, on the one hand, there is polarization, uh, in the world's, uh, that's people, uh, that's the process and, uh, yeah, uh, sometimes a little bit frightening us, okay.


Bart: Is this the right direction? Uh, why not, uh, be a little bit more, uh, kind to, to each other? And on the other hand, I see also a lot of people who are, uh, so, uh, warm and, and, and open and, and interested to help each other. And, uh, and I see that somehow entrepreneurs are always there. I've got a Russian friend.


Bart: I got a Jewish friend. I got a Muslim friend. I got all kinds of friends from all kinds of countries. And I think that, that we need to pay much more attention to the positive and bright side of life. How can we help each other? How can we enjoy this planet all together? And that's a kind of consciousness, uh, kind of [00:24:00] awareness about, okay, or we are screwing up together or we are growing up together and, and, and share it all together.


Bart: So, uh, and that's also in my work. If people cannot afford somehow to get, uh, the inspiration or support that they are looking for, I always welcome them. Yeah. Just to help them even without any payment. I was also hiring a guy last year, and I even gave him a laptop and bought it for him. So he was able to do his job a bit better.


Bart: And so I think all the resources are for him. for all of us. And we need to share those resources. And of course, we need to also, uh, have a profitable revenue model. Had the same thing with your activities. And that's the same thing with my activities. But yeah, the more profits we are making, the more people we can help.


Bart: So I think that's that's super important. Back to the question. I think That consciousness is, is, [00:25:00] is what I'm anticipating on. And, and, and yeah, consciousness is, is about the awareness, about the progress of, of human being. And, uh, and with business development, yeah, I see a lot of, uh, more, uh, let's say, uh, industries or verticals about climate or about, uh, uh, AI or, or any other kind of area.


Bart: Yeah. And I think it's super important that, that we spend time and money on those, uh, industries because otherwise it will never ever be sold. Yeah. So we need to put our effort into that direction. Uh, so yeah, that's a great, I think, a trend. Uh, and on the other hand, we need to just spread the word and, and inspire people all, uh, more general in the entrepreneurial landscape, because it's also has something to do with accountability and also with just.


Bart: An economic system. If people are able to just create a living, it doesn't have to be rich and famous. But if you can, [00:26:00] yeah, that's the same thing in my life. If I'm just doing my job and I have a wonderful life and that's what I would like to see for a lot of people who are somehow struggling and yeah, and I would like to provide somehow with people like you, uh, the opportunities to the people who have a little difficulty in how to, to, yeah, to take advantage or benefit from From from those developments.


Bart: So and I think your example is the right on spot example. This is the way how we bridge the gap, how we bring people together, share stories, pay it forward and really help people and help them in a way of love and purpose instead of Charging and send invoices immediately after the call.


Mehmet: Absolutely. What you just mentioned is, you know, makes a lot of sense to me, Bart, and, you know, building on the few things you mentioned also a couple of minutes ago.


Mehmet: So it looks like the technology now, which always [00:27:00] been, Progressing but you know, we are in a moment. So the internet first came and then we started to have you know the waves of smartphones and then we had the waves of social media and then we start to have another wave of no code Also as well and all of a sudden People start to think, hmm, hold on one second.


Mehmet: I can, I can start a business. Like I can, I can be in a tech business, even if I don't have, you know, the strong technology background and you know, with the tool that you just created. So it's like the other side also as well, like if someone is a technical now with AI, so they can find out, you know, the gaps in their maybe sales pitch in their content, you know, in validating the idea, because, you know, I was one of the people who.


Mehmet: Came from a deep technical background and it took me years to discover. Oh, I need to learn the business stuff also as well. I need to, I need to know how to create a pitch, how to talk to people, you know, and you know, talk their language. And I think, you know, [00:28:00] To like CASTOMAI, you know, it's, it's a great leap.


Mehmet: I would say for entrepreneurs to, to, to build on that. And I'm very happy part like you and, uh, you know, the rest of the team, you brought this to life, which is very much needed because what AI have done and, you know, I was excited, like opposite to you. I know at the beginning you were not, but I was excited because I've seen a possibility of what people can do, what can they create.


Mehmet: And actually, you know, I'm always. Mind blown by what are people creating with AI? Of course, there are the bad stuff. There's the stuff, but the amount of good stuff that came is amazing. And you know, the amount of startups that they just, you know, appeared in the last two years is also amazing. So thank you Bart for bringing such tool.


Mehmet: Now, where people, I want you to remind them where people can get in touch with you. And where they can find more about customer.


Bart: Yeah, they can always visit our website [00:29:00] at custom. I dot com. People can always reach out to us or one of my team members. And so I've CASTOMAId dot com. They can have a free trial.


Bart: We have the because of the launch. We have the opportunity to give people early access to all the tools. We even will communicate a kind of founding membership, uh, to, uh, really create a community and listen to what people are looking for. But everyone will connect after this episode, uh, with the CTO show, uh, always great insights, ideas, and innovation.


Bart: And they will get access to our platform and, uh, so they can test it and they can share their, uh, Experiences with us. And I would love also to invite them to join one of our programs. We will start in the beginning of the new year with our monthly meet up where people can share ideas and talk about it.


Bart: And maybe, yeah, settle partnerships with other people. So CASTOMAId dot com. That's the place to be. Thank you so [00:30:00] much for having me, uh, Mehmet. And, uh, maybe a promise, uh, they say three times is a charm. Maybe a promise that we do next year at the same time, same place, the third edition of this, uh, podcast.


Mehmet: Why not, Bart, and keep inspiring. Thank you very much, Bart. So for the audience, um, You will find all the links that part mentioned in the show notes If you're listening on your favorite podcasting app, you will find them in the show notes If you're watching us on youtube, you'll find them in the description part again.


Mehmet: Thank you So so so so much for being with me here today for the second time and indeed we're gonna have the third time Okay, you're gonna be one of the my you are one of my favorite guests always, you know the Because I received a lot of positive feedback, especially we did also the live session after the episode So that was fantastic and for the audience if you just discovered this podcast by luck Thank you for passing by I hope Bart managed to inspire you And I hope also he [00:31:00] inspired you to like share with your friends and colleagues this podcast And if you are one of the people who keeps coming again and again and send me their comments feedback and questions Thank you very much for doing so I read all of your suggestion and comments keep them coming And as I say always thank you very much for being with me here today, and we'll meet again very soon.


Mehmet: Stay tuned Thank you. Bye. Bye

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May 19, 2023

#128 Ken Lonyai on Humanizing User Experience: The Intersection of AI…

In this insightful episode, we're joined by Ken Lonyai, a digital innovation strategist and recognized expert in user experience (UX). Ken shares his views on the evolution of UX, the critical aspects that contribute to a com...

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April 12, 2023

#91 Elevate Your Sales Game and Scale Your Tech Startup with Gary Gar…

Join us as we sit down with Gary Garth, founder and CEO of , Great Dane Ventures, and, and learn from his 20+ years of experience in sales and entrepreneurship. In this episode, Gary shares the...

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July 4, 2023

#164 Solving the Equity Split Puzzle with Mike Moyer

Get ready for an invigorating conversation with seasoned entrepreneur and professor, Mike Moyer. We dissect the common traps new entrepreneurs fall into when navigating the maze of equity splitting. Allow Mike to guide you wi...

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Sept. 11, 2023

#213 Innovation in Motion: Gleb Yushin on Battery Technology and Elec…

Prepare to embark on an enlightening journey into the fascinating world of battery technology with Gleb Yushin, the CTO and Co-founder of Sila. He's not just a high-profile innovator but a storyteller who makes complex subjec...

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Dec. 20, 2023

#275 Christian Espinosa: The Adrenaline of Risk and Cybersecurity Ent…

When you think of cybersecurity, you probably envision firewalls and code - but how often do you consider the human element? This was the crux of our conversation with Christian Espinosa, cybersecurity expert and entrepreneur...

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March 29, 2024

#315 Venture Capital in the Age of AI: Expert Perspectives from Manis…

Embark on a journey through the AI revolution with Silicon Valley's very own Manish Patel, as he unveils the cutting-edge developments poised to reshape our world in 2024. As co-founder of Nava Ventures and an early innovator...

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Sept. 4, 2024

#383 Building the Operating System for AI: Rob Futrick on Anaconda’s …

In this episode of The CTO Show with Mehmet , we are joined by Rob Futrick, the CTO of Anaconda, for an in-depth discussion on how Anaconda is positioning itself at the forefront of the AI revolution. Rob shares his impressiv...

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